Friday 3 June 2011

LBP2 and Me

Well, I was playing Little Big Planet 2 and decided that I needed to come up with new ideas. I recently finished creating a mini game called Fanged Lunarmites: Alien Moon Invasion. I'll tell you about it:

I first got the idea for this mini game when PSN was down (fun times). I was playing Ratchet and Clank: a Crack in Time and realised an awesome swarm of monsters that come out of a termite-like hive/mound. They were called Tetramites (Mind my spelling) and they killed you very fast. After seeing how much fun it was trying to avoid them without taking a hit I thought about making it on LBP2. So, once PSN was back on I decided to get started. I started with the sackbot. For anyone who doesn't know what they are; they're little robots that you can programme with logic and dress up in costumes just like your character. I started with a simple idea. I did not want the players to just die instantly when they touch them. So I changed the lethality of the sackbots to just plain slapping. That's right, as soon as you step near them, they run at you and slap you until you can't stop screaming, "NO!" or, "Oh my god! Get off me *insert laughter here*". Here's a picture of all the Sackbot Logic:
Pretty much what the basis of the logic is, is the player sensors and the behaviours. The two player sensors connected to the AND gates are used to detect a small area either side of the sackbot. When one of those is activated one of the acting behaviours (depending on what side you're on) will activate, causing the sackbot to slap you. If either of those is not activated the follow behaviour is activated so that the sackbot will run up to you and slap you again.

After I had the basic logic done, I decided to go one step further and add powerups. I had four powerups that I added to the mini game. Here's the map that It's on:
The hive in the middle will illuminat into four different colours. Green, Blue, Yellow and Orange. Each colour indicates what powerup is active at that given time. When the hive is Green, the sackbots with become grabable so they start to slap each other. I also made it so that two grabinators spawn at either side of the map. When the Hive turns Blue, the sackbots freeze. They cannot slap you or move at all so it's a very useful this to have when you're getting slapped towards those plasmafied spikes. When the Hive turns yellow the whole map will go dark but the hive and the spikes will be visible. And lasty, when the hive turns orange, the sackbots will run back into their hive. Each and every one of these powerups last ten seconds and there's a fifteen second gap between each activation. Here's a picture of the sackbot logic for the powerups:
The tag sensors sense a tag emmited when a powerup is activated. Each have a different name on them. Top-left is yellow powerup. Top-right is green powerup. Bottom-left is blue powerup. Bottom right is orange powerup.

So now that I've gone through all that logic, I got my friend xXBlindWolfXx to make the menu. Here it is:

As you can guess the "Informative video on how to be exterminated" is a How to play video. You'll have to play to watch it's humour role out. here's a sneak peak as to who is in it:


Right so that's about it. I shall leave you looking at a picture of the costume used for the small Lunarmites.

Untill next time.

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